Join ATW Artist in Residence Alexi Freeman to hear about his textile practice and view work created during his residency.
Alexi Freeman is an interdisciplinary artist, fashion & textile designer who lives and works in Melbourne, juxtaposing speculative ideas with artisanal, biological and technological methodologies. Due to increasing concerns in regard to the environmental impacts of textile waste in the fashion industry, Alexi sought to develop methods of producing textiles in a more sustainable way. Through the provision of an RTP Stipend Scholarship (RSS) funded by the Australian Government, Alexi completed a Masters by Research at RMIT University. Situated within the field of biodesign, he interrogated the potential of microorganisms as eco-analogues for the textile industry.
Wednesday 2 March 2022, 5pm—6pm.
FREE TO ATTEND. Registration is essential.
March 2nd, 2022 5:00 PM to May 4th, 2022 6:00 PM
Phone: 96997885